Actually, The Councilman has been released for months but I’ve been so heavily wrapped in projects that I’ve failed to promote my own book!

I know, I should be flogged for my negligence because I’ve had many people contact me to say how much they loved it. Most of its marketing has been by word-of-mouth, and fortunately, done quite well…

It was released with fanfare and a great release party—something I’ve never had with any of my other books. I must admit that signing books for your readers (especially when one was my great State Representative Ed Thompson) is an adrenaline rush that can never be matched. But receiving several photos of them proudly holding your book is fantastic. I’ve attached a few for everyone to see.

And my sincere thanks goes to my Creative Team and Battle Cry Revival who made this such a great release!

The Councilman” is available at all major booksellers in ebook or print!