The Cobra and Scarab: A Novel of Ancient Egypt

A race to fame . . .
Hidden for centuries by the shifting sands of the desert, scrolls are unearthed and an archeologist believes his dream of discovering treasure has finally come true. But hope of returning to England in glory is shattered when a Bedouin reveals a cruel chronicle of ancient Egypt.

. . . reveals an unknown past . . .
When Egypt rose to its zenith of power, one woman fulfilled her lifelong desire to rule. Hatshepsut, the beautiful and ambitious queen willing to become Pharaoh at any costs, even when the price must be paid with her body and murder. She would treacherously plot against her husband to take what she wants.

. . .filled with dark secrets, . . .
Tetimas, rightful heir to the throne, forced from childhood to painfully watch his kingship stolen from him by Hatshepsut and her sadistic lover, Ashwan, a priest whose dark side knows no boundaries. Yet, Tetimas’ fate and Egypt’s power are destined to become one.

. . . treachery and savage confrontations . . .
Sakkara, a pharaoh’s blood runs through him as well. Although trained in the healing arts, he’s haunted by tragedy and seeks solace in war, but finds it in the arms of a tavern dancer. He will risk all to save his half-brother, the true-king.

. . . in a merciless quest to rule a dynasty.
Hatshepsut and Tetimas. Two strong-willed people at odds for years, their hatreds for one another boiling like fiery cauldrons, certain to overflow. The might of a nation lays waiting for the victor in their struggle for the throne.

The hidden history is revealed at last.


THE COBRA AND SCARAB is now released in both print and e-book.

Click here to purchase.




“I will not be Queen of Egypt!” Hatshepsut shouted, fire burning brightly in her eyes. “I will be Pharaoh!”

The king briefly closed his eyes in frustration as he sat listening to the tirade. Shaking his head, lips forming a thin line, he glanced about the empty room. His patience had grown short and already he was regretting the decision to marry her.

“You will be my Queen and you will do as you are told!” King Thutmose II said on the verge of shouting. Grabbing a cup of wine from the table beside him, he drank in deep gulps. Gingerly turning the empty cup in his hands, he watched Hatshepsut pace the room.

She stopped and spun to face him, staring with utter scorn. “I was at our father’s side while you were off riding your chariots. When his pains grew too great, it was I who held his hand to comfort him. I was there when he died and it was my name he spoke as his last words!” she screamed, jabbing her chest with a finger. “My name was spoken, not yours!”

“Enough!” Pharaoh jumped to his feet. His grip tightened about the gold cup and he threw it across the room. It smashed into the wall, fell and bounced along the floor. “You will not speak to me in such a manner. Never!” Rushing to her, he grabbed her by the arms, squeezing the small, slender limbs until his knuckles grew white.

She winced, futilely trying to break free of his strong grip. Unable to move, she looked up into his face and spat, consumed with hatred.

Thutmose released his hold and struck her with the back of an open hand, sending her sprawling to the floor. His hands clenched into tight fists as rage scorched his mind.

Hatshepsut glared at him from the floor, tears streaming from her red-rimmed eyes. A thin line of blood trickled from the corner of her mouth, down her chin, and onto her slender throat. She tried to stand. Dizziness held her back.

The revulsion in her eyes never lessened and the king knew it would always be there until her final breath.

“Because you are a man, you can steal what I want the most. I hate men! I hate you!” Hatshepsut’s voice broke in anger. “Mighty Pharaoh will have to rape his queen to share her bed!”

Drawing his hand back, Thutmose started toward her.

She clamored along the floor, trying to remain out of reach.

Thutmose II stopped abruptly. He lowered his hand and gazed at her. With weighted steps he slowly returned to his chair, allowing his bodyweight to drop hard into the chair, disgusted at the way their talk had evolved. Caught up in a maelstrom of emotions, he sat in silence. When he spoke, his words came in a low, almost guttural voice through clenched teeth. “You will be my queen and bear me heirs to the throne. After the marriage ceremony, I am sending you to Deir el-Bahri for six years, then you will bear children, whether you want to or not!”

Raising herself off the floor, Hatshepsut stood on unsteady feet. When the dizziness passed, she looked directly into his eyes. “I would rather have a Canaanite herdsman mount me than feel your touch,” she said in a loathing tone.

The insult created her desired effect. She watched as her stepbrother’s hands squeezed the arms of his chair. Pleased with herself, Hatshepsut defiantly wheeled and strode from the room.



I thoroughly enjoyed writing this novel.  It allowed me to combine my love for history with action, adventure and intrigue, plus a tale of the bond between two brothers from their births to adulthood.

Ancient Egypt is fascinating. But the one thing I observed throughout my research was that every book I read and every documentary I watched, always had variations on their facts (sometimes big variations) pertaining to a historical incident/person .  So who was I to believe had the real truths? And there are new documentaries constantly coming out about the Pharaohs and their Dynasties which contradicts previous documentaries.

As for the main characters of THE COBRA AND SCARAB, I played an author’s “what if” game with each of them, yet held to the basics of known history.  The priesthood tried to control everything. Hatshepsut truly ruled Egypt, proclaimed herself its King and Pharaoh, and dressed in male attire—false beard and all.  Thutmose III was dominated by her for years, was a great military leader in his own right then eventually rose to become Pharaoh.  But history also noted that she stole the kingship from him; there was a tremendous dislike for each other; she suddenly dies then he takes control and smashes her name from everything in the country.  Using that core information, I filled in the blanks with my fictional tale.

This novel gave me a healthy respect for Egyptologists and archeologists.  Without their hard work through the years, we would have lost so much valuable knowledge.  And whether they differ in small degrees about historical events only means more truths are continually being discovered.

I hope you enjoy reading the novel as much as I enjoyed writing it.  I look forward to receiving your reader reviews.  Please feel free to write to me about the novel.  Every reader is important to me.  Thank you.

Warmest Regards,
